Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What I saw in Paris

If you're thinking of the Tour Eiffel or Invalides, this is not it. I just had to do a brain-download of the little things of Paris worth noting.

1. Yes there are many homeless people, including teens, and most of them have a dog.
2. Both extremes of the spectrum as it relates to politeness and courtesy exist in abundance. There is limitless energy when it comes to greeting people, and equally so when dismissing you once you've paid at the counter.
3. A hint of laziness perhaps, or am I being kind here? A simple request to add more chilli sauce was denied with an emotionless "it's too late ... you should've told me earlier"! I got nailed twice, first at the kebab shop (chilli sauce story) followed by a simple request to add salad into my still-being-prepared sandwich. Beware folks - if you really want more chilli sauce in that kebab, you better not be late in informing the vendor. The universal rule of sales, "treat your customer like a king and he will return again and again" holds no water in Paris.
4. There ARE English books in Paris, and I found one at Les Halles!

... more to come ...

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